Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Genetics Day 1!

Today, we were introduced to genetics and genetic crosses.
We only focused on monohybrid crosses today, as we will get to dyhybrid crosses next class. Basically, crosses are just methods of finding phenotypes and genotypes and determining which traits will show, which won't show, dominant and recessive traits, etc..., using a square.
Here's an example:
We worked on some practice problems then we took a quiz and that was it for the first class on genetics.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Lab Day

To start off class, we began by doing a white board based off of DNA structure. Mine looked as follows:

We then moved onto the lab.

Glow in the Dark Bacteria Lab

The purpose of the lab was to create bacteria with certain traits and to see which would display the glow of plasmid.
Here is out pGlo plus and minus tubes being heated. 

We found only one out of the four types to glow: LB with Amp. and Ara. 

Snork Day

Today we reviewed protein synthesis and took a quiz on DNA replication. 

After, we did a mini-lab where we determined the amino acids of complementary strands of RNA and were able to create features for our own snorks. 

My Snork looked like this

And here is a picture of the lab itself

Protein Synthesis Review Day

Today, we reviewed protein synthesis a took a quiz. The students taught the class, and went over the three categories: Transcription, RNA processing, and Translation. 

Here's what the board looked like when Mr. Quick explained the quiz answers:
We also looked at our pGLO labs and saw that most of the arabanose glow had gone out. 

That was it for the class before the test.