Thursday, January 30, 2014

Forensics Quiz

Ok, let me get things straight. First of all, the woman was not found with a gun wound. She was found with an arrow wound, shot by the guy who triggered the bomb causing the girl's ear to fly off and who shot the elderly woman with no life alert and who then fell down the stairs. That same arrow guy.

Malcom Merlin

Anyways, what happened was this woman had seen Malcom murder the life alert-less lady and so she was a witness to his madness. In turn, Malcom Merlin sent an arrow straight through the woman's body, causing it to puncture the woman's diaphram, stomach, and then large intestine on its way out of the body. The woman then died from a loss of blood, but had time to stumble around, grasp a table, then stumble some more, hit a granite table, fracturing the rib, then falling on her back, dead. This is the most plausible reason because it stays true to the arrow's path through the body, and how the lady ended up on her back.

The first alternative is that the arrow caught her heart, dying instantly. This is less plausible because how would she have broken a rib like this? How would she have landed supinely while shot from behind?

Another alternative is that the arrow hit her lung, puncturing it and causing her to not be able to breath due to lack of oxygen. The only problem with this is that she probably wouldn't have died supinely.

The last possible alternative is that she had an inflammatory intestine disease, causing the rib to rest on her  intestine because of its enormous size. Thus, when the arrow exited through her intestine, the rib was fractured due to its support being deflated and then the rib punctured her liver, causing her to die of liver failure. This is not the leading diagnosis because it is somewhat ambitious. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Mi Pregunta

Although there are several ethical concerns regarding stem cells, my question is are the benefits of using stem cells great enough to where the ethical concerns can be ignored or at least placed at a lower priority?

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Your Inner Healers

Imagine a world where diseases could be completely eliminated from our bodies... that's what could potentially happen if the art of creating iPSC colonies is mastered.

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells have the ability to become any type of cell that you want. This is because they tap into the embryonic stages of cells where the determination of what kind of cell it is going to be is to undecided. Scientists do this by reprogramming certain cells using retroviruses so that they return to the embryonic stage and they can then be changed into certain cells to fight diseases. Or, they can be used to mimic diseases so that scientists can then study the diseases and learn to fight them.

The Stages of the iPSC:

Every cell must first undergo the Early Embryo Stage. This is when the cell is pluripotent, and can give way to any cell type.

Next is the Late Embryo Stage. Here is where the cell becomes multipotent, where it can become any cell within a certain range of tissue groups.

Thirdly is the Adult Stage. This is where the cell begins to form into a certain type of cell. Skin, hair, blood, etc...

Then the cells lock onto their certain type of cell and remain a mature body cell.

In the iPSC process, the mature cells are then reprogrammed and become iPSCs, reverting the cell back to the embryonic stage.

Here is a pic of what I just explained:

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Cancer Week

This past week was dedicated to cancer. On Tuesday, we glanced over our tests briefly then went on to look over the Cancer Review Paper, and began researching for it. I chose the skin cancer called Melanoma, specifically the radiation method of treatment.

On Thursday, we reviewed the videos about cancer and telomeres that we watched the night before. We then had a whiteboard "sesh" and continued to take a quiz.

Here is a brief breakdown of what we talked about.

Proto-Oncogenes: Proto-oncogenes are genes that code for proteins and help the cell's growth and development.

Oncogenes are proto-oncogenes that have been mutated so that they now have the potential to be a cancer cell.

We created a proto-oncogene called BRCA-1 and discussed how a point mutation would turn it into an oncogene and then possibly become a cancer cell.

Tumor suppressor gene: A tumor suppressor gene is a gene such as p53 that regulates certain checkpoints throughout the cell cycle to help prevent cancer cells from reproducing.

Ras gene: Ras genes code for ras proteins that signal when cells to divide or grow at appropriate times. Ras genes can be modified to keep checkpoints on so cancer cells can then grow and divide.

The ras gene

After this we then went on to continue research for our cancer papers.

Cancer is a really interesting topic because it is amazing how much the technology has changed.
Just four days ago, on January 7, 2014, scientists discovered a protein called MCL-1 that when disabled, can limit cancer's growth and ultimately disappear.

The MCL- 1 Protein

Its amazing to think that scientists have attempted to thwart cancer since the 2nd Century, when a  Roman doctor named Galen wrote several books regarding cancer that are still alive today.


All info comes from:

Then meet our Apoptosis cell (Suicidal cell), Swaggy C