Thursday, September 26, 2013

Evidence for Evolution Quiz

1. The picture shows evidence for land to water evolution. It shows that the land animal evolved into a whale by first, his feet becoming webbed and losing his fur. Then, his limbs begin forming into fins and his tail is now the tail of a whale, and his body is now covered in scales. Lastly, his arms and legs fully transform into fins, and his head becomes longer and more like that of a whale's, as his entire body is now whale-like after adapting to the conditions of the ocean.

2. E, North America.

3. These organisms show convergent evolution because although they all have wings with similar functions, they have analogous structures because the bone structures are completely different. They show convergent evolution because they are all completely different species, but have evolved to have wings that have the same functions.

4. The Common Descent Lab shows DNA evidence and ancestry as evidence for evolution because in it we compared the DNA strands of gorillas, humans, chimpanzees, and the common ancestor, and we were then able to discover that chimps and humans share a common ancestor and that gorillas were the most similar to the common ancestor of the three species. We could then use this evidence to determine which species evolved from the ones that we studied.

5. Homology is the similarity of the bone structures of certain limbs that organisms share with a common ancestor. For example, pterodactyls, humans, and tiktaaliks all share the same "one bone, two bone, blob" in the arm and wrist area. Homology is used to determine transitions in the fossil record, for instance the evolution from water to land. Tiktaaliks share many homologies land animals, showing that although it lived in the water and looked similar to a fish, it also had the same bones to allow it to move onto land and thus supports the evolution of water to land animals.

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