Sunday, May 4, 2014

Trees and plants and stuff

Since we are beginning to study photosynthesis, we had to obseverve trees 'n stuff.

Here are my observations:


The first flower was white with pinkish tips. There was a pincher bug stuck in the one below which is interesting because that's not the typical insect to be hanging around flowers. 
The flower was smooth and silky; I wanted to cuddle with it.

There weren't any thorns on its stem and the bulb was a pinkish-red color. On the full-bloomed flower (see above) it almost looked yellow it was so white. The petals were layers upon layers and the flower sprouted almost diagonally, not upward. 


Flower 2 was yellow with thorns on its stem. The petals were smooth and silky as well, feeling very similar to the first flower. 

Flower 2 sprouted upward and the petals seem to cover and enclose the stamen (male part) and pistil (female part) of the flower. As seen below, the flower's leaves had weird spots on them. Poison ivy?


Flower 3 was the most unusual of the bunch. Its petals were smooth on top and scaly on the bottom. The stamens and pistil were exxtremely long and skinny. The flower resembles the sun, sorta.

The leaves were long and smooth with sticky filaments keeping them together. The buds were completely enclosed and squishy kinda damp. There were no thorns.

Tree 1 had no flowers but it did have some seed pods that looked like dried up brown and crunchy flowers.

The leaves were small, green, and flakey. The branches were long and skinny. 
The trunk just looked like a bunch of branches. 

The flowers were fuzzy and looked like red little cherries.

The trunk was red!

The leaves were really fuzzy and green. 

So those were my observations and here is a diagram of the male and female parts of a flower:

The stamen is male, the pistil is female.

Hope you enjoyed!

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