Sunday, October 27, 2013

Journey of Man Day 2

Today, we finished journey of man.

Just because the main guy totally looked like Luke Walton.


1. The significance of Gregor Mendel is that he swept away the confusion of blending inheritance by breeding pea plants and seeing that both forms of a trait could reappear undiluted in future generations
And the alternative forms of the trait, though not appearing, were still not blended away in the offspring. Mendel gave us what we know about dominant and recessive genes.

2. Francis Crick and James D. Watson created the structure for DNA.

It looks like this:

3. The five different types of DNA mutation are substitution of one letter for another, deletion of a letter, duplication of a letter, insertion of a letter, and inversion or translocation of a letter (letter is in different order). An example of substitution would be instead of the sequence ATAGCA it would instead be CTAGCA. An example of deletion would be instead of ATAGCA it would be ATAGC. An example of duplication would be instead of ATAGCA, it would instead be ATAGGCA. an example of insertion would be instead of ATAGCA, it would be ATAGCAG. An example of inversion or translocation would be instead of ATAGCA, it would be ATACGA. 

4. Evo-devo is a subspecialty within evolutionary biology that concentrates on studying the effects of changes in important developmental genes and their roles in evolution.

5. A connection between human migration and lactose tolerance is that East Africa contains a strong percentage of people who are lactose tolerant, while in the rest of the world it is a minority. This means that early humans in East Africa were lactose tolerant because they were a milk-dominated society, but as they migrated to different parts of the world less became lactose tolerant because the trait was unneeded in less milk based societies.

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