Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Shrimp Egg Lab

In class today, we started by sorting snail shells and discussing various differences we saw between the shells, such as shape, size, or design. We concurred that these differences happen due to mutations and different species. Lastly, we hypothesized why some shells had 2 shells and it turns out the second hole is from predators sticking their tongue in and eating the snail. 

We then moved onto a natural selection lab.

Shrimp Egg Lab

First, we filled 5 beakers with different percentages of NaCl dissolved into each. Next, we placed double sided tape on 5 microscopic viewing slates. 
Then, we placed mini shrimp eggs on each (around 20) and placed the slates into each beaker. 
Lastly, we placed the solutions from each beaker into a separate container, and close the lid shut. We now have to wait 24 hours to test the results...

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